How to Check Phishing Analytics for Specific Users

Keeping tabs on your end-users is important to ensure you are reducing security threats for your clients.

Checking Specific User's Phishing Analytics

  1. Click on Phishing on the left side-hand menu and click on Analytics
  2. This will now bring you to your analytics page. You can check specific user data for phishing in the list at the bottom of the Phishing Analytics page. To check a specific user's information, click on the green eyeball on the righthand side of their row. 
  3. Once you've clicked that you'll be able to review all the phishes they've received. Including, when they received the phish, when they clicked on the phish, and how long it took them to complete the training from when they clicked on the phish. If you see N/A under the "Clicked" Column, this indicates that the user had this email delivered to them but did not click on any of the links in the email.