Microsoft Defender Integration

Phin's Report Phishing Button can now push reported emails to the Microsoft Defender Submission page!

How Does it work?

The Microsoft Defender integration allows you to include a "Reported Message Destination" email address in the Phin Report-a-Phish Integration. Adding this email will submit all non-phin emails reported through the Report-a-Phish button directly to the Microsoft 365 Submission page. 


  1. Turn on the Phin Reporting Phishing Button for the companies that you want to submit emails from.
  2. Enable Microsoft Defender for your Microsoft Tenant and configure a Reported Message Destination.
    1. For more information on how to set this up, see Use the Microsoft Defender portal to configure user-reported settings.
    2. Want to learn more about what you're setting up? Check out Options for Microsoft reporting tools.
    3. For more information on Microsoft's Advanced Delivery, check out the Microsoft 365 Defender Advanced Delivery Guide.

How to Configure in Phin

This integration is configurable within a company level Report Phishing Integration page. The steps to add this configuration are as follows.

  1. Navigate to the Report Phishing Button Integration page.
  2. Under Forwarding Addresses, you will see a new input section titled Microsoft Defender Address.
  3. Add the same email address you used for your Reported Message Destination email forwarding address in Microsoft and click "Save Contacts".
  4. And that's it! Now, emails reported by employees using the Report Phishing Button will be submitted to Microsoft Defender and available in the Submission section.

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