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CIS Control 14 Security Awareness

Hackers consider human vulnerability to be a weak link. CIS Control 14 highlights the importance of security awareness training in strengthening companies' cyber resilience and mitigating human error through education. 

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Phin Security empowers end users to identify and address social engineering attacks and respond safely and effectively. We help Managed Service Providers (MSPs) offer clients superior cybersecurity solutions to comply with regulations and protect their organizations. As a trusted security awareness training provider, we go the extra mile to provide employee training and awareness programs that impress our MSP partners and their clients.

What Are CIS Critical Security Controls? 

The Center for Internet Security (CIS) Controls are a framework of actions organizations can take to improve cybersecurity. They are a set of safeguards against cyberattacks that target systems and networks. Many legal, regulatory and policy frameworks reference and support CIS Controls.

Understanding CIS Control 14 and Its Importance

CIS protocols help mitigate cyber risks to organizations. CIS Control 14 states that it's crucial to establish and maintain a security awareness program to shift employee behavior toward being more cybersecurity-conscious, reducing the effectiveness of cyber threats to enterprises. 

Security magazine reports that 95% of successful security cyberattacks result from human error. Data security and protection require the whole workforce to be impenetrable. Our CIS Critical Security Control 14-compliant security awareness and skills training supports employees in becoming a strong first line of defense against cyberattacks.

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The Role of Security Awareness Training Programs

Training programs help prevent human error and reduce risks. Working with security awareness training providers allows access to professionally curated content. Phin Security focuses on regulation compliance for companies in all sectors, with memorable teaching methods, ease of use and many other factors that make our programs engaging and effective. The modules we teach include: 

  • How to properly handle sensitive information and data
  • Ways to ensure information is not sent to the wrong person
  • Recognizing social engineering manipulation tactics
  • The importance of not losing a portable device with access to sensitive data
  • Using strong passwords and the consequences of weak passwords, reusing passwords or sharing login credentials

Implementing an Effective Security Awareness Training Program 

Human error mitigation through education is most effective when the training is simple and engaging. For example, our experts deploy fun training plans developed by SocialProof, which includes talent from TikTok, MTV and American Idol. 

Brief three- to five-minute modules include mimicked hacking scenarios and other simulations to help users get inside hackers' minds and spot red flags. We are partnered with multiple industry-leading providers to cover all topics and keep content fresh.


Employee Training and Awareness

Our employee training and awareness modules train workforce members to recognize social engineering attacks. Our training is regularly updated, and we stay ahead by predicting future phishing trends and adapting our training to defend against social engineering tactics, both classic and new. 

While some may think training is a one-off event, it must be more frequent to achieve and maintain lasting behavioral change. That's why we keep developing content so users can refresh their knowledge without seeing the same content on repeat. 

Recognizing and Reporting Attacks

Security awareness training empowers employees to identify phishing and other cyber threats. Clients can customize templates with company events or information to help employees recognize phishing methods that steal information, helping increase realism. Our program establishes clear protocols for reporting security incidents. 

Data Security and Protection

Data security and protection covers everything from locking screens, even if only briefly unattended, to defending against intelligent social engineering. It's vital to educate workforce members on how to identify, properly store, transfer, archive and destroy sensitive data. 

Our training will cover this and depict the causes and consequences of unintentionally revealed information. From losing an unprotected mobile device to emailing the wrong person or falling for a phishing attack, our examples and simulations will train workforces to implement security measures and detect malicious cyberactivity. 

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Why Partner With Phin Security?

It's our mission to help MSPs and growing companies by making it simple to implement training sessions with resources from industry leaders. Stay safe and successful with Phin Security. There are many reasons to choose us, including:

Fast setup
Onboarding takes less than 10 minutes, so your customers can be fully up and running quickly. Plus, enjoy flexible contracts and competitive pricing.
Fully Automated
Once our MSP partners log in, they can set up for each client, and the platform takes care of the rest. Choose which campaigns to use for clients, and they'll run continuously with no additional input needed.
Social Engineering Simulations

Our realistic and customizable phishing templates can test users' responses to simulated attacks. If a user falls for one of our templates, nothing happens besides a learning moment for the user, in which we point out the mistake and advise on future responses.

Behavior-Focused Training
We design our programs to change workforce behavior so cyber-resilience grows, and it becomes second nature for employees to recognize malicious attempts to access data or software.
Professional Content
Our fresh, expertly curated, engaging content increases understanding and knowledge retention.
Satisfy Regulation Compliance
We design our training to comply with the following regulations — CIS Control 14, NIST, HIPAA, GDPR and PCI-DSS.
Client Testimonials

Our MSP partners love Phin Security because their clients love it. You can watch unedited reviews from our partners who have shared in Uncut Phinatics.

Made for MSPs

Enjoy customized solutions tailored for IT professionals and technology managers.


Get CIS Security Awareness Training With Phin Security

Partner with Phin Security to implement effective and compliant training programs for your clients. Strengthening companies' security cultures has never been easier, and we look forward to sharing our innovative campaigns.

Implementing CIS Control 14 security awareness-compliant training offers unmatched cybersecurity training designed to impress MSPs and their clients. Our varied training tools and advanced methods keep pace with ever-evolving cyber threats so your clients can have peace of mind. 

Phin Security looks forward to partnering with you. Contact us today, and we'll reach out to discuss your challenges and which of our solutions is the right fit.