How to Connect the Graph API Mail Delivery

Configure Phin's Graph API Mail Delivery integration that delivers emails directly to employees' Microsoft Outlook Inboxes following these directions.

Graph API Mail Delivery 

Microsoft has been making continuous updates to their email security offering and unfortunately, this has impacted the effectiveness of our Graph API Mail Delivery feature for some of our partners. Run a test to make sure this works with your tenant configurations. In either scenario, remember to always use allowlisting to ensure proper delivery. For more information on how to configure allowlisting check here

You will need Global Admin access for the client if you wish to connect to the Graph API Mail Delivery.
  1. Navigate to the home screen of your client.
  2. There are two ways to begin connecting the Graph API Mail Delivery. 
    1. Via the Email Settings tab
      1. Once opened, you will see three options (Graph API Mail Delivery, Whitelisting Guide, and Enable Custom Header.) Click on, Graph API Mail Delivery. 
      2. This will bring you to the integrations tab where you can click Connect to begin the Graph API Mail Delivery connection process.  
    2. Via the Integrations page
      1. Start by clicking the Integrations button on the left side-hand menu. 
      2. This will bring you to the integrations tab where you can click Connect to begin the Graph API Mail Delivery connection process.  
  3. After clicking Connect, you will be brought to a page showing you what permissions we request. After you have reviewed the requested permissions, click Continue to Microsoft. 
  4. Next, go through connecting to the global admin account of your tenant. You will again see a page reviewing the permissions requested. Once you've reviewed these permissions, click Accept. The connection process will now begin. This may take a few minutes. 
  5. Once you're connected, you can send a test email to see if a test phishing email makes it into your inbox. 
  6. At any time, you can come back into the Graph API Connection and disable it by clicking, Disable

With the Graph API Mail Delivery disabled, all simulation and training messages still be sent via SMTP.