How do I set up Allowlisting

We have built this guide to make allowlisting as easy as possible for you and your team.

To make sure training reminders and simulated phishing make it through your email filtering process, you will need to allow the following IPs, domains, and URLs.

Note: If you are using any 3rd party software such as INKY, Barracuda, and others, you may need to add our IPs, domains, and URLs in those platforms also.

Microsoft Azure Setup

Google Workspace Setup

Microsoft Azure: Allowlisting in Microsoft Defender

1. Go to

2. Select Policies and Rules from the Email & collaboration section in the menu on the left

3. Then select Threat policies

4. Click the Advanced Delivery in the Rules section

5. Select the Phishing Simulation tab

6. Click Edit to add domains, URLs, and IPs (listed below).

Sending IPs (2)

All of our messages that are sent over SMTP are sent through the following IP:

  • Phishing email:
  • Reminders:

URLs (9)

Make sure to add the URLs exactly as they appear below!

  • **
  • **
  • **
  • **
  • **
  • **
  • **
  • **
  • **

Sending Domains (10)

In addition to allowlisting, it is encouraged that MSPs also enable the Ignore 3rd party addresses option. This does NOT replace allowlisting but also serves as an additional best practice.

Additional Resources

Microsoft 365 Defender Advanced Delivery Guide

Allowlisting: Powershell Script


Google Workspace

Allowlist by sending domains:

Follow the steps under the “Add a list of approved senders that bypass spam filters” section

Bulk Upload the following comma-separated list of 11 domains:,,,,,,,,,,

Allowlist by IP:

Our dedicated sending IPs:

  • Phishing email:
  • Reminders: