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How to Turn on Automated Reports

Turning on reporting is important to keep you and your clients in the loop on training and phishing campaigns.

  1. At the client portal, navigate to the Reporting screen by opening the menu on the left-hand side and clicking Reports.
  2. Once in the Reporting area, scroll to the Settings section.
  3. The first option is to add report viewers. Simply add any email address into the box and click Add to add that individual as a report viewer.
    1. Report viewers do not need to be associated with your MSP or the client. Any email, internal or external, can be added to reports. 
  4. You will now see your added report viewer in the list. At any time you can edit with the blue pencil or delete a user with the red trashcan buttons. 
  5. Below adding users you will see two toggle buttons to turn on Weekly and/or Monthly reports. 
  6. After turning on the desired reports, you'll be able to first adjust the time at which the report will be delivered. 
  7. You may also choose to include Historical Data and Users to Watch tables if you'd like. To review what those tables look like check out our PDF example reports at the link above. 
  8. You can also opt into additional data delivered as a CSV. More information about this can be found here.

    If you'd like to check out examples of our reports click here