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Automated Reports and Analytics

Accessing comprehensive insights into managed service providers (MSPs) & MSSPs is easier than ever with Phin Security. With our automated reporting and analytics features, you'll gain the data you need to improve your safety and mitigate risks. Keeping tabs on the performance of your team and clients ensures you're well-prepared to position yourself as a security provider that's reliable and trustworthy.

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What Data Is Included in Reports and How Is It Used?

At Phin Security, we provide admins the option of receiving automatic weekly, monthly and instant phishing reporting. On the first page of the report, you'll be able to quickly see stats for your company, including how many phishing emails were sent out, how many users completed the month's training and the percentage of users who clicked on a simulated phishing email. 

This data makes it easier to verify that users are completing the necessary training and identify repeat offenders. The format also makes it easier to deliver reporting to stakeholders.

Phishing Campaign Performance Metrics

On our platform, you'll view users' actions in your campaigns — in real time. This feedback allows you to analyze and make any necessary adjustments to keep your clients safe and secure.

User Behavior and Training Progress

Discover everything from high-level stats to trends for phishing and training through monthly reports. Depending on your needs and goals, you can also enhance your reports with additional information like historical user data.

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Check out reviews on G2!

Ray Orsini Picture

"Finally a platform built by MSPs."

Ray Orsini
CEO of MSP Media Network


Dan Zimmerman Picture

"Security Awareness Training/Phish Testing from a company that really 'gets it'"

Dan Z.

Use of Data for Security Enhancement

With Phin's automated reporting and analytics, you'll be able to keep up with the live data on your campaigns and enhance the overall security of your MSP/MSSP or business. 

Targeted Training and Awareness Efforts

With the data you gain from Phin's reports and analytics, you can tailor targeted training for specific user groups or departments. Specifically, under the “Historical User Data” table and “Users to Watch” filter, you can see the individuals who have been assigned training and sent phishing emails. 

It also shows those who aren't up to date on their training and users who have clicked on a phishing email, which makes it easier to develop and improve security awareness and behavior within your organization.

Risk Mitigation Strategies 

Phin's data and analytics also enable proactive identification of any vulnerabilities and emerging phishing trends. By reviewing user-specific analytics, you'll see trends and how the user's performance has changed. Accessing this information will help your organization implement preventive measures and develop risk mitigation strategies to improve your overall security.

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Access to Data and Reports: Management Access

Instead of having to follow continuous, hands-on management of your security awareness training, Phin Security makes it possible to automate the process. Our solutions allow you to receive automated reporting on a per-client basis. Management can access these reports quickly and use the data to become more cyber secure — all while helping you save time and effort.

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Gold fish accent

Training Analytics

Phishing Analytics

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Hear From Our Clients

Ali Stockton picture

“The onboarding process is unbelievably easy which is a huge part of why Phin has been such a standout product to us.”

Ali Stockton
Supervisor of Security Services at VNET

Raffi Picture

"Clearly, they’re focusing on making the lives of MSPs easier. The focus of Phin doing that has really made the difference for us.”

Raffi Jamgotchian
CEO of Triada Networks

Reg Harnish Picture

“We really just like working with people we respect and who respect us back. Who can be honest, high integrity, friendly, and helpful. And it’s just been really rewarding to see [Phin] grow and to be part of that.”

Reg Harnish
CEO of Orbitalfire Cybersecurity