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Effective Security Awareness Training

Keep your employees, company and data safe while using online systems by making it mandatory for all employees to complete cybersecurity awareness training. Effective security awareness training prepares your staff to stay informed on potential cybersecurity risks and what to do when they encounter suspicious emails.

At Phin Security, we provide a training program for managed service providers (MSPs) and businesses to utilize while making employees familiar with the importance of digital security. We take training effectiveness seriously, so we developed comprehensive training programs that educate individuals about phishing while providing real-time simulations.

Breach Prevention

Phishing can affect anyone, no matter how skilled they are at using the internet or how knowledgeable they may be. Human error happens. An extremely vigilant individual may have an off day, which could lead to the accidental click of a phishing scam in an email. Conversely, a worker with less digital security knowledge or awareness could click a link in a phishing scam without knowing. Helping people learn about phishing and its common tactics will increase your company's digital security efforts.

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Phin's Phishing Training

We've developed a training program that focuses on helping staff mitigate risks and human error while increasing their cyber awareness and security knowledge. Our program consists of various training modules that educate end-users about phishing and how to avoid becoming victims.

Training modules have five levels, each increasing in difficulty as individuals pass them. Everyone starts at level one. The modules simulate real-life phishing attacks, in which employees will receive automated, realistic emails and have to distinguish if they are phishing ones or not. If they click on a phishing email, they remain at the current level until they receive multiple phishing emails and don't click on them. The emails they receive will continue to test their knowledge based on their vulnerabilities. 

Clicking on a training phishing email directs users to a training and tip webpage, what we call Learning Moments, where they can read about what happened and how to avoid it in the future. The modules continue with progressively more challenging emails. Once someone reaches level five, they will get phishing email exercises from all the levels, helping them stay on top of the diverse phishing scam possibilities.

With most, if not all, end-users engaged in frequent training, your business will see success in minimizing the number of phishing attacks occurring. Phin's phishing training program provides automated reports and analytics to help your clients stay updated about their employees' progress.



Minutes or Less to Complete Modules


Content Types


Training Topics


Training Modules

Why Practice Identifying Phishing Scams?

Going through the steps of identifying and reporting potential phishing attempts is a key element of an effective user security awareness training program. Many phishing scams lead to the dissemination of critical employee, client or company data because the links in the emails contain viruses, malware or other ways to access unauthorized information. By identifying and reporting fake phishing scams, employees will have more confidence, or at least know the correct actions to follow, and not become victims of a breach.

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Employee Education

We understand every employee has their own learning style. While we have general, comprehensive training programs, you can also customize phishing templates to make them more suitable for your employees or industry. Our phishing training system has a Template Creator feature. You'll also be able to develop curated campaigns that run continuously with a hands-off management approach.

Additionally, Phin Security provides other phishing education for employees, like video resources and informational blog posts. Phin wants to help people make real changes in their lives regarding cybersecurity, so that's why we emphasize the importance of education and engaging content. Our approach to real-time phishing training ensures users are continually learning and staying ahead of evolving threats.

With every phishing scam tailored to their individual awareness levels, employees can learn more about the basic and advanced phishing techniques scammers and hackers use daily. If you have an employee who continually falls victim to the planned phishing scams, you may have to take extra measures to educate them on the importance of understanding phishing and actions of what not to do.

Our resources ensure your business or clients stay up to date with the latest industry information, from new techniques being used to signs to look out for in potential phishing scams.

Case Studies From Our Partners

Phin Security partners with various companies to ensure their clients and employees remain vigilant about their digital security regarding phishing. Through our training program, our partners have seen success with integrating Phin into their clients' systems.

One of Phin's early partners, Triada Networks, enjoys the hands-off experience of Phin's phishing training program and how simple it is to onboard clients into the system. The company also values the content provided with our program and how Phin Security makes MSPs' lives easier. Triada appreciates how Phin's system allows tailoring based on each client's needs. The company also enjoys how transparent working with Phin is, receiving communications detailing things happening with the systems, whether good or bad, and how Phin addresses the issues.

Another one of our partners, Orbital Fire, likes the team at Phin Security and their vision for helping the company. Their experiences working with Phin and seeing the company grow have been positive. Orbital Fire also appreciates Phin's responsiveness to requests and how our company listens to concerns, making them feel heard and appreciated. While Orbital Fire isn't Phin Security's usual MSP company, they know that if they need things, we will work with them to complete requests.

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Check out reviews on G2!

Dan Zimmerman Picture

"Security Awareness Training/Phish Testing from a company that really 'gets it'"

Dan Z.

Ray Orsini Picture

"Finally a platform built by MSPs."

Ray Orsini
CEO of MSP Media Network


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Book a Demo With Phin Security for Security Awareness Training

You've come to the right place if you want a comprehensive, automated system for effective security awareness training. Phin Security makes it easier for MSPs to implement phishing training systems in companies for employees' safety. Learn more about our training effectiveness, the program, and our company when you request a demo today!