Security Awareness Training for Remote Workers
As remote and hybrid work become increasingly popular, employers and Managed Service Providers (MSPs) face growing cybersecurity threats and need solutions to protect their organizations and clients. Often, security awareness training for employees can be laborious and time-consuming to implement and oversee, making employers resistant to the extra effort and time required.
That's why Phin Security offers fully automated campaigns for MSPs. With us, you and your clients can focus on other things, knowing that remote end users will receive superior training. Our solutions require no hands-on management and can significantly improve how organizations safeguard sensitive information.
The Importance of Security Awareness Training for Remote Employees
Cybersecurity breaches are primarily caused by human error, so managing this risk is key to securing information and systems. Employees are the first line of defense against threats. Supporting them with training can increase the safety of your data and your customers' data — reducing the likelihood of costly digital break-ins.
How Training Makes a Difference
Scammers target people, and a simple mistake can have significant consequences. Training helps prevent human error, and as a result decreases the risk of data breaches, financial loss, operational downtime, legal action and reputational damage. Security awareness training for remote workers protects organizations and helps employees become more security-conscious, cautious and confident when faced with potential threats.

Cybersecurity Threats for Remote Workers
Remote workers open up more endpoints outside of the main company network, which increases the need for effective cybersecurity training. Some common threats for remote workers include:
Phishing involves sending emails or other messages pretending to be a company or person to convince individuals to disclose their personal information. Passwords, credit card numbers and other sensitive data are often obtained this way. Relevant and engaging training can help your employees spot foul play and protect themselves against phishing attacks by responding safely.Malware
Malware is specifically designed to disrupt, damage or gain unauthorized access to systems, leading to lost money and time. Security awareness training for remote workers can improve employees' understanding of malware attacks and how to prevent them.Social Engineering
Scammers use social engineering tactics to trick users into making security mistakes like sharing sensitive data. Bad actors use social skills to seem legitimate and reputable, and untrained remote workers may fall for their scams. Our training modules teach users which signs to look for and how to handle an attempted attack.
Password Hacks
Strong, unique passwords are essential. Our password security training modules and educational resources assist employees in creating secure passwords and ensuring no one can find out about them.

How Our Training Supports Remote Work Best Practices
A central part of our training includes practical tips for securing home workspaces and safeguarding company data. When working remotely, it's important to understand how to protect one's devices and accounts from home, in a public area or while traveling. Support your clients and employees by implementing secure strategies with our unmatched automation and reporting systems.
Simulated Phishing Training
We believe practice is key to retaining information and changing behavior. That's why we use realistic and customizable phishing templates so users can engage in hands-on learning, identifying and responding to simulated phishing. Running phishing simulations can help users effectively identify and address vulnerabilities, teaching them how to protect against phishing. Our system is easy to use, and you can choose a schedule on the interface for multiple clients or employees.
Social Engineering Awareness
Increasing social engineering awareness can mitigate human vulnerability and its consequences for your organization. One of the key remote work best practices is to ensure employees are familiar with the manipulation strategies employed by social engineers. There are many types of social engineering attacks, and campaigns use various methods such as:
- Phone calls
- Emails
- Online advertisements
- In-person interactions
Our training is designed specifically for MSPs and offers detailed real-time analytics and reporting that can help improve user behavior in your and your clients' organizations.
Benefits of Choosing Phin Security to Empower Your Remote Workforce
Phin's engaging training is designed to help MSPs succeed and can bolster remote workers' security practices. There are many benefits to partnering with us, including:
- Less than 10-minute onboarding process: We pride ourselves on our speedy setup time. Once set up, you can enjoy a hands-off approach as we teach employees and end users how to defend against cyberattacks.
- Comprehensive and targeted training: Training focuses on improving understanding and encouraging a cultural shift toward efficient cybersecurity within your organization.
- Fully automated platform: We're here to take things off your to-do list. Our campaigns require minimal input from you and can run indefinitely to keep your employees or clients sharp.
- Comprehensive, accessible data: Our analytics are easy to understand and can be filtered to find specific information. Choose whether you receive reports weekly or monthly.
- Built specifically for MSPs: We used pain points that MSPs have experienced with other platforms to develop ours for an improved experience.
- Hands-on learning moments: Our simulated emails offer real-time practice. If a user clicks a phishing email, a learning moment pops up to explain the error and how to avoid making a similar mistake in the future.
- Access to transparent testimonials: See what others say about us in unedited videos of our partners answering questions about their experience working with Phin.
- Tailored solutions for your team: Phin Security offers a template creator feature so clients can create custom templates if desired. For example, you could design a phishing email containing a company event to make it look realistic and test your employees' cybersecurity knowledge.
Contact Us for Engaging and Effective End-User Education
Phin Security gives MSPs a platform that will impress their clients. Our training helps turn remote workers into an impenetrable force equipped to withstand data threats. If your organization is ready for easy-to-use, effective security awareness training, you can rely on Phin. We're dedicated to empowering team members to keep organizations secure.
Remote workers can learn from wherever they are, and our platform gives MSPs and employers full insight into their security training and results. Get started with a free trial and see how our training program builds cyber-resilient workforces.