Latest Scams in Social Engineering
Teaching employees about the importance of cybersecurity goes a long way in improving a business's safety. It can take years to bounce back from a data breach, making cybersecurity training of the utmost importance for an organization.
With Phin Security on your side, you can create a custom training program for professionals in all industries. We partner with Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and growing companies to come up with a training plan that keeps individuals engaged and informed. Protect your clients and workers by using security awareness content developed by SocialProof.

Bolster Cybersecurity With SocialProof and Phin Security
Our experts deploy training plans from SocialProof, which includes a mix of media components like mimicked hacking scenarios and music videos to entertain, inform and engage audiences with brief three to five-minute modules. The modules are available through Phin Security and are suitable for all audiences in professional settings — whether you are structuring a training program for a SaaS company or a law firm.
The training content is created by Rachel Tobac, an experienced white-hat hacker. All topics mentioned within our training are vital to a successful cybersecurity approach. You even get to hear examples of how Tobac would implement a social engineering attack on workers, followed by what individuals can do to greatly reduce the chances of becoming a victim of malicious schemes.
See firsthand why users at Google, Uber and Meta are quick to sign up for SocialProof training modules that are available via Phin Security.
SocialProof Security Videos & Training Content
Password Safety
Oversharing on Social Media

Social Engineering Training
Social engineering describes the process of manipulating someone into revealing confidential information, such as credit card numbers, SSNs or passwords. People attempting these attacks put a brand's reputation, security and internal systems at risk, so Phin Security steps up to the plate with training assistance designed to increase awareness on a large scale.
Thanks to Phin Security, you can educate work teams with realistic simulations. Enjoy different tools that let you perform training exercises with staff. Generate a social engineering test to see how workers respond.
Cyber Attack Prevention Training
Phin Security reviews cyber attack prevention methods for various departments — including digital marketers and developers. Help others learn how to secure digital assets. The curriculum we support you with demonstrates practices like setting passwords with letters, numbers and special characters and restricting file-viewing access.
Professionals can take what they learn within Phin Security's social engineering training exercises and apply it when communicating with individuals inside and outside of their organization.

Understanding Hackers and Cybersecurity Initiatives
Workers need to be aware of the goals behind cybersecurity training. Phin offers SocialProof training content so that individuals can get inside the minds of hackers. By understanding the types of information hackers are after, leaders can ensure the right training is in place. Help professionals tell the difference between legitimate requests and anything out of the ordinary.
Phin Security gives you resources to learn about cybercriminal tactics as well as vulnerabilities found within SaaS platforms. From hearing the potential outcomes of data breaches to learning how account hijackings occur, Phin Security uncovers valuable information for global teams.
Fast, Catchy and Fun SocialProof Training Content
Phin Security uses engaging methods for an unforgettable cybersecurity education experience. Count on our SocialProof videos, training modules and attention-grabbing music to help your audience retain what they learn.
Our training lessons can be anywhere from a few minutes to hours long, depending on the type of program you want to create. Increase employee training retention rates using exercises that allow for on-screen interactions. Additionally, select live-action training modules that feature talent from MTV, TikTok and American Idol to help capture your audience.
Invest in SocialProof Training Content With Phin Security
Phin Security keeps an eye on the latest cybersecurity training content in the industry. It's our mission to assist MSPs & MSSPs and growing companies by making it easy to organize training sessions with resources from industry leaders like SocialProof. We save you time, money and effort with security awareness training tools that positively impact the way teams think about cybersecurity.
The Phin training platform is optimized for MSPs & MSSPs to eliminate obstacles and ensure that the rollout goes according to plan. Other companies help you create training programs that ask employees to read long articles and complete worksheets. We separate ourselves from competitors by taking an innovative approach to cybersecurity training that transcends conventional methods of teaching and learning.
Elevate your team's security with Phin's cutting-edge training solutions today! You can contact our experts online for details.